19 years on since the release of Nelson Mandela and after South Africas first black president leading the country for five years. His successor Thabo Mbeki remained president for almost ten years until the incumbent Jacob Zuma. Judging by the reign of his predecessor we can estimate Zumas to remain for about ten years. The black majority (79.5%) in South Africa and the white minority (9.2%) expected some dramatic change from Nelson, however as with Obama the allure of hope and change cloud the mind. The 2006 midyear estimated figures for the other categories were Black African at 79.5%, White at 9.2%, Coloured at 8.9%, and Indian or Asian at 2.5% source CIA website.
Sometimes theories are called theories because in most cases they can't or not allowed to be developed into practice, for fear of resulting in dramatic change or success for the majority. In other instances the status quo potentially being undermined. This could be due to the influential minority parties with vested interests at stake. Utopia is what most people would love to come to fruition, (utopia being relative) however the influential minority will always prevent this with illusions and delusions of hope and change, in order to maintain the current climate.
Wealth, poverty, disease and crime
It's no wonder Mandela gave up the leadership so soon he realised that during his incarceration expectations of him were too high. Expectations resembled mountains of hope and change with the terrain of poverty, disease and crime. Looking at these mountainous piles of despair Mandela realised then it would take time and effort to make any real change. At his age time was against him however he did have the power to rectify aged discrimination and balance of power. He could have undertaken many measures to alleviate the problems of the majority and elevate them to a new level. Such measures would have given the people real hope as change was being done, instead the status quo continued except with different faces.

Much to laugh about when you have a roof over your head and free food in addition to accolades for guiding the sheep in circles, religion has many material benefits.
I'm talking about the mining industries throughout South Africa, gold, diamonds, platinum and other precious metals and minerals are still operating as they were during apartheid. If Mandela nationalised the mines in South Africa this first step although difficult but acceptable. However these privitised industries continued with their beneficiaries enjoying profits at the expense of the nation.Throughout South Africa do the majority black people feel truly that Mandela has change their lives ? can they envision their children having the same opportunities as their fellow white counterparts ? During the 19 years since Mandelas release HIV Aids has continued to rise, shanty towns have increased, crime has increased life expectancy is 49 years male and 48 years female. The growth rate as of 2009 is 0.281% ranked 173 in the world. An estimated 20, 000 British migrants moved to South Africa in 2007, bloody immigrants taking our jobs and housing.
Equitable governance should provide a tangible vision to the people in balancing the scales of justice that have for so long were skewed as viewed from the black majority. Creation of a new mandate stating succinctly this vision;
- To compensate white farmers that have businesses in the fields of agriculture, minerals, precious stones and metals, banking, national reserves, media and governance.
- Transition period prior to leaving the post is implemented as to allow the black applicant to shadow the white worker.
- Obtaining experience in this way over a period of time will allow the smooth transition and mitigate any issues that may have arisen from action taken abruptly.
- Foreign governments would need to support such measures and participate in the process of repatriation (Colonialists U.K, Netherlands and Belgium).
- Once the transition period is reached the white colonialist is reimbursed in part with subvention (unlike the lucre obtained in the colonial past) by their ancestral homeland and the South African government.
- Period of transition, repatriation and nationalisation of industries, commercial sectors is over a 5 to 10 year period.
Worldcup 2010 baffles the mind and seems as if FIFA wanted to prevent the African continent from hosting another global event for some considerable time. Another farce it reminds me of the Sydney Olympics in 2000 in Australia as the inveiglement of the world governments looked on and its people oblivious to the plights of the Aborigines. Still third class citizens in their ancestral homeland with the lineage of criminals around them sent out as guinea pigs to evaluate the feasibility of such a journey. Now we have the wined and dined champagne tribalist from the ghettos of South Africa enticed by the allure of sybaritism. No more so than the effigy of Mandela in London a true servant of the colonialists worthy of admiration and deification, for he has allowed their work to continue unmolested and attested.
Endogamous behaviour throughout the ages of these false sages that we appoint to be representatives of the people, for they continue to conspire up there in the spire. An surprising analogy can be found when comparing both the World Cup in 2010 South Africa and the London Olympics in 2012, how you discovered it ? Yes it's the disaffected black youth in South London that are unlikely to benefit from such a grand enterprise, nevertheless the land owners, property developers and corporations will enjoy a cornucopia of wealth at the determent of black health over the decades. Like their kindred in South Africa the black youths living in squalor, plagued by disease, HIV, Aids, STDs, poverty, poor education, insanitary conditions, poor health, limited clean water, and high levels of unemployment as they gaze at the newly constructed white elephants from their shanty town of corrugated steel.
The only real winners are the children from affluent backgrounds that have the means, facilities and support to pursue a career in sports (even though they are average at best within their chosen field). Meanwhile the underprivileged black, white and ethnic minorities in the ghettos have little or no chance of attaining such goals because everything is against them. Their location, class, means, opportunities, discrimination and institutionally racist sport boards that recognise the abilities of these less fortunate souls but fear the backlash from the snobs. For they wish their children to obtain fame with an embellished name even though they perform lame. Time and time again the playing fields, community centres and sports facilities are curtailed especially now with this recession, so much for national lottery the pot thats continually ransacked by Labour as it fails and the purpose of the lottery as it supports the Olympics......... you literally couldn't make it up. It's just a rich man's game so their children can make themselves a name even though they're lame, for they seek fame oh what a shame.
The hysteria over Mandela in the media is explained by their positive portrayal, and this is the real betrayal of his people. Mandela symbolically is still in the cell where he yielded as much power as the man in the adjacent cell. So have the leaders that have came after him they have continually failed to deliver real change or any progress for their people. Maybe the black south Africans should immigrate to the Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom because there is nothing left for them in their own land. Maybe if he remained in his cell the black people might have seen some real change as the world community pressured the racist government to deliver real goals for all.
In a perverse swing the once unrestrained institutional racist intelligentsia that have escaped justice due to the extreme leftist ideology of the post apartheid government, are now enjoying a comeback. With new suits and public relation teams these insidious folk will return to power as the black majority feel disillusioned with their own kinsman in government. Alas tis the case of South Africa where the white minority may this time prove to be their saviors if they have truly changed, then the black majority shouldn't throw away another decade to the likes of Zuma (a man full of impropriety). As the youths in Soweto chant the ghost of Stephen Bantu Biko is seen leading the protesters to parliament. Mandela hearing the chants looks out of his balcony and sees the ethereal figure coming towards him. Suddenly Mandela awakes in a cold sweat another weary dream another burden he must endure. Meanwhile his statue adorns London parliament square do the people of Soweto care ? As long as South Africa has mines of gold, diamonds, platinum, precious minerals and metals the black majority will remain in poverty, never free.
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