Friday, 28 August 2009

Iraq's Glorified Security Guards


Invading British and American troops first objective wasn't establishing security, redevelopment of the destroyed infrastructure or promoting peace, it was securing the Basra oil refinery in the south east. Meanwhile the American troops secured the Baiji refinery near Mosul in the north, it's the largest refinery in Iraq. Once these key objectives were secure and the oil continued without disruption to flow so did the dough. You'll may recall the voices of public relations departments within both governments pleading with the Iraqi people not to destroy these facilities or hinder their journey to them. It's your future that exudes from those pipes never mind your gripes here's a box of wipes.

Before Sanctions
  • Iraqi students were one of the most highly educated and liberal minded.
  • High level of health care and Iraq was a secular society.
  • Although state control was dictatorial people weren't worried about national security.
  • Law and order was present albeit it dictatorial and Bathist.
  • Subsidised gas, oil and electricity benefited the poor and maintained low prices.
  • Civil liberties were curtailed due to the imposed authoritarian regime (western endorsed).
  • Iraq was developing gradually due to the western dependence on its abundant resources.
  • Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was the attack dog of the west preventing Iran geopolitical aspirations in the region.
  • There was peace as the diverse Iraqi society was held together by a fearful dictatorial fist.
  • Saddam was promoting a Bathist agenda uniting like minded Arab states working in union together (United States of Arabia ?) , may have seemed a threat to particular neighbours in the region.
After Sanctions and Invasion 1990/2003
  • Since attacking Israel with scuds Saddams aggressive and absurd acts provided his enemies carte blanche.
  • His invasion of Kuwait is yet another illogical act, it could be fate or was he used as bait ?
  • In the meantime the "oil for food" scam or should i say sham allowed western corporations to obtain cheap oil, and in doing so propped up the stock markets for decades.
  • Trillions of dollars wasted in Iraq but it's only a waste if nothing is gained, and in these circumstances cannon fodder is cheaper than a devalued dollar.
  • Sectarian violence with many factions of Iraqi society is fractured, and all the kings horses and all the kings men won't put humpty dumpty back together again (unless their is nothing to be gained).
  • Iraq's neighbours states spent more time sharing international escort models contact details instead of preventing western invasion (during Arab League meetings).
  • Generations are now ensnared with devices of hate, vengeance and religious zealotry, so the seeds are laid and the people fade, oh what have me made.
  • Extremism is rampant with vitriol from narrow-minded, misguided and subdivided old men.
  • Vulnerable and impressionable youths are being exploited by these sectarian and religious bigots, bribe the tribe just to stay alive.
  • Mesopotamian history and archaeological artifacts of national heritage looted and the original keepers booted.
  • To destroy a society you destroy their history and therefore their identity, doing so they walk the halls of illusion full of confusion.

The Iraq issue could be resolved tomorrow if we the west were so adamant in providing "memorandums of understanding" to its neighbours. Within these agreements we could simply ask those Iraq neighbours to provide 50,000 peace keeping troops. These troops would provide the much needed security and could have been done prior to invasion, if the Arab League was worthy of it's name. Unfortunately you have the western approach you destroy that which was and build anew dictator and regime disregarding the lives lost. As long as the oil flows then nobody really knows, for god has entrusted us with this prosperity for it is our duty to promote inequity because its our destiny is intertwined with clandestinity (the goats bleat).

The reason why Iraq was invaded was due to the following of factors;
  • Saddam changing from dollar to euro as the main currency for oil trading
  • Saddam trading a majority of the oil to Chinese and Indians
  • Consequently reducing the supply to U.S and U.K markets
  • Negatively affecting western oil corporations shares
  • Initiating volatility in the market and increasing U.K, U.S oil prices due to limited supply and increased demand
  • OPEC re-evaluating prices to meet with western insatiable demands
  • U.S, U.K pump prices increase 300% riots, businesses face bankruptcy
  • Western nations feel they're being blackmailed and need to justify the war as to prevent such negative consequences affecting their citizens
  • Hence the reason for war for this is one of the reasons the others are geopolitical, regime change, expressing military might on the world stage and for the military establishments to justify their existence after decades of research and development into new weapons, besides nothing beats a good war for rejuvenating the salivating warmongers.
Corporate fascism is their idealism the corporate phallic plunging into the depths of despair, plundering every orifice. It's time to bring the troops home this game is a shame to even give it a name, for they are glorified security guards of the western oil corporations. When a soldiers death is mentioned in the media the propagandist's will litter the news with issues of sophistry, for diversion purposes. Until the resources and purported reasons are exhausted, and the mountainous mounds of wasted innocents litter the horizon, then maybe we'll have peace.

On a lighter note the Iraqi expatriates now in power in Iraq along with sending their tributaries have put forward a few proposals to the American and British camarillas. At first the advisors thought this was somewhat comestible however the persistence of the puppets made the "coalition of the willing" seek further clarification. Apparently the puppets wanted to employ the jihadist, wahabist and other fanatical nutjobs so they didn't kill themselves along with innocent civilians and damaging buildings, instead pay them to restructure Iraq. Defence department and the foreign office mandarins couldn't believe their ears, "what on earth do these stooges think they're playing at ? After all things we did for them, again the Iraqi government wanted these nutjobs to work as demolishing squads and use car bombs to destroy unsafe buildings and clear ruined sections of the city since the invasion. Again the western landlords explained to the so called democratic government that the dog wags the tail.

Weave and Cleave

In the dead of night
The thieves unite
With concealed plight
To conquer and fight
With weapons of might
They deem as right
To spread blight
And promote fright
No end insight
No wielder of light

Swashbuckling adventure in the Oscar award winning blockbuster of a generation with the four horsemen of the apocalypse that will leave in you in awe and shock for decades. Most expensive story ever told, totaling to three trillion dollars and rising with many spin offs and merchandising bringing in even more sales. In 2003 the box office hit "The Thieves of Baghdad entertained the people of the world with its compelling sophistries and now in 2010 rumors of a sequel are beginning to circulate. Some people have suggested the sequel may be filmed in Tehran and be called "The Thieves of Tehran" who knows watch this space.

Think of the countless Iraqi lives extinguished in the blinking of an eye, and think of the potential future scientist, academics, artists, engineers, poets, philosophers and entertainers all lost. Machinations of future incarnations are the karmic actions of current generations, meanwhile the tributary states of Afghanistan and Iraq continue to send their rulers in the west oil and gas. Redevelopment will eventually come to fruition "in the alloted time" thats inconjunction with the scheduled plans, which means derisory development. negligible and gradual reconstruction since 2003 will continue its slow pace as the foreign armies justify their presence. Another unpropitious endeavor into the abyss, determined to stoke the fires of war as they step ever closer towards Iran.

Democracy and development is marketed by the foreign orifice as the new reasons for being, irrespective of intangible change on the ground. Many reports can be found that claim "thy will be done" with tainted blood bellowing from the barrel of a gun. Peace will never return in these oil cursed lands for how ironic and facile the reasons continuually being used for foreign bases in Japan and Germany. Even though the U.S/U.K bases there were aimed at preventing the communists and nation states from ever having a military presences again. Now they are supported by these foreign states to have an army again and to disregard their antiwar constitutions and join the coalition its imperial quests.

How pathetic it must seem for the ordinary peons of Germany and Japan thinking that they have no need for armies anymore. Military industrial complex has used effective PR to subvert the antiwar ideologies of generations and accept a peace force.... oxymoron indeed. Soldiers from both these nations can't be called armies for that would assume you have the right as defenders of the sovereign state, so why is it the need to have U.S and U.K forces there, reason being they are the nations army and the nationals being mercenaries hence the coalition of the "billing". Forces will do their work in Iraq and Afghanistan for a fee.... well you don't think its free, do you ?

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