Twenty one years on since the tragic Pan Am Flight 103 disaster over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, still unsolved. However the only person to be convicted (in January 2001) of the terrorist act was Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi a former Libyan intelligence officer. At the time he was denied an appeal, surprisingly Dr Hans Köchler, one of the UN observers at the trial, expressed serious doubts about the fairness of the proceedings and spoke of a "spectacular miscarriage of justice".
He Didn't Talk So He Walk
Fast forward to September 2003 and the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) investigate the case. Echoing Dr Hans Köchler comments two years earlier with the following statement ''The commission is of the view, based upon our lengthy investigations, new evidence we have found and other evidence which was not before the trial court, that the applicant may have suffered a miscarriage of justice,'' wrote the SCCRC.
A former Libyan intelligence agent sentenced to life for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 may have been wrongly convicted, concluded a Scottish panel today. In its 800-page report, the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) stated that Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi may have "suffered a miscarriage of justice" during his 2001 trial, reports the Associated Press. The panel recommended that al-Megrahi be granted a new appeal.
Why would these reputable and distinguished individuals feel the need to impede justice ? If the SCCRC think Al-Megrahi has suffered due to a miscarriage of justice then why the delay in due process ? All these anomalies need to be rectified by the rule of law if we don't abide by the law then we have anarchy unless the ends justify the means ? What are the ends at are these means to imprison a innocent man because the part doesn't signify the whole ?
Trade with the eccentric and flamboyant dictator Gaddaffi has begun, after Tony Blair had shook hands with him in the Bedouin tent. Could this be blackmail open up for trade, military, intelligence and geopolitical agreements ? or was this carried out by a third party on the behest of another ? Who dares to look within the bottomless and barren void named intelligence spies, agents, double agents and super sleuths. Just like tar it get in under your fingernails and it gradually dissipates with time, but the memories remain. Could Al-Megrahis silence mean his obedience and compliance in the plot ? Now with the so called compassionate release within days as a bribe to prevent his appeal coming to fruition (coincidence as with the release of Ronnie Biggs and compassion shown to Gary McKinnon suffering from Asperger syndrome being extradited to the United States). If the appeal were to be granted who knows how many cans of worms it will release besides why stop at Al-Megrahi why not release serial rapists and pedophiles with months to live ?.
Before you start foaming at the mouth think about the lack of probity within this case, if there is any resentment it lies squarely on the government. Compassion is only viable when justice has been administered, unfortunately this is not the case. Twenty one years on with the waters of justice saturated with conspiracy theories and misinformation. Could earlier events of the time near Iran have played a role in Lockerbie ? Gaddafi raising the white flag to remove sanctions ? Who knows however what's clear is it makes a mockery of Lockerbie. Now its perfect timing maybe these endeavors in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya will help those influential people gain even more.
If the U.K government (using the Scottish executive as proxy) are giving Libya Al-Megrahi with one hand what are they taking with the other ? Some people want things to remain as they are because they truly feel the ends justify the means. Let them explain these ends to the families of the victims that need closure with justice and in doing so, continue their lives in peace, oh what japery of the judiciary.
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