How many times do we have to see this unjustified and blatant abuse of the law ? Just because you come from a privileged background and your father knows a few secret handshakes doesn't necessarily mean you have a "get out of jail free" card or does it ? Countless times female criminals abroad caught with drugs, money and other despicable affairs play the media with sob stories with the aim of getting back home. In my opinion you do the crime then you do the time, why is it that when many white females do crimes abroad are either given lenient sentences or deported home ? When black females are made to spend at least a year or so in jail abroad ?
Discrepancies in Law (Literally Black and White)
Black Females Case
- Two young British women were arrested in Jamaica on suspicion of trying to smuggle £170,000 worth of cocaine hidden in wigs on to a London-bound plane.
- The women, aged 17 and 20 and from the Derby area, were detained on Sunday after the drugs, weighing around 2.3kg.
- Two teenage girls from north London spent a year in prison in Ghana for attempting to smuggle 6kg of cocaine hidden in laptop bags.
- Click here for the full story Daily Telegraph.
- Two British backpackers are to plead guilty to faking a robbery in Brazil, their lawyer said last night.
- He spoke after Shanti Andrews and Rebecca Turner, both 23, made their first appearance in a Brazilian court.
- The law graduates, who spent almost a week in jail after being arrested, were formally charged with attempted insurance fraud.
- Although the charge carries a maximum sentence of five years, the judge has already indicated it is unlikely they would get a custodial sentence when they next appear on August 17.
- Their lawyer Renato Tonini said there were a number of other possible punishments.
- He said: 'It could be a fine, it could be social service in England or social service in Brazil.'
- Now for the pull of the heart strings propaganda below from the foreign office to the sheeple in accepting the decision ?
- They were held in the grim Poliner prison on the outskirts of Rio where they were forced to sleep in a corridor, due to overcrowding, before being transferred to a bigger prison.
- Click here for the full story Daily Mail.
Daddy daddy get us out of here ! not to worry with a handshake here a phone call there and a nod or two will do. This is a clearly an abuse of justice with the new ministry of justice you can expect no justice it reminds me of something out of George Orwell 1984 novel. Crime does pay for these two so called law graduates with the politicians expenses fiasco and the bankers casino credit i'm not surprised. What do we conclude from both cases ? if you're white from a privileged background or know a few people then you are right. However as in the case above if you're black and common without influence then you get jack no foreign office public relations support or early get out of jail free card. Unfortunately its another case of if you're white you have the right and if you're black you don't come back, justice is blind, deaf and dumb.
There is only one rule and thats the law once you start bending and twisting the law where will it end, apartheid ?
In a smoke filled office somewhere in the foreign office the murmur of civil servants phoning ambassadors and foreign secretaries continues. Next door in the offices of justice the daily papers are passed around the office and a civil servant tuts and says "another knife victim, where is the justice in that" ? meanwhile he looks at the t.v screen where live coverage of the deported law graduates arrive at heathrow airport. Justice secretary standing beside the foreign secretary both look to one another break a smile and say great job done.
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