During the reign of the Taliban opium production within the country was reduced to a minimum. This resulted from the extreme variation of Islam and after their so called removal production is back to epic proportions. Afghanistan opium supports the international drug trade with a majority of the refined and concentrated variations being sold in western streets. Opium is the countries cash crop besides the untapped gas and oil reserves. Our military presence in the country has proved to be ineffective in tackling the illicit trade, so what are the options ?
Steps to Peace
- Allow neighboring countries to supply experienced military personnel as part of a peace task force.
- Afghan government to purchase poppy fields from the farmers for commercialisation.
- Mass production of government approved cultivation, extraction and processing of opium for the pharmaceutical industries (morphine, pain killers, anesthetics etc).
- Gulf Cooperation Council member states to provide interest free loans for initial development of facilities and logistics.
- Engage and empower the people by providing them key roles within the redevelopment process.
- Employment opportunities range from field workers, security personnel, reconstruction programs, transport networks and other civil projects.
- Carry on with the current strategy regardless of the amount of soldiers, innocent civilians and the potential of inflaming neighboring states.
- Provide no real economic improvements for the poverty stricken population.
- Continue to obtain the opium for free and use the military soldiers, Afghan civilians as pawns in a larger scheme.
- Propagate the creation of opium fields to supply and support corporations dealing with the international drug trade.
- Profits obtained from steps three and four used to support the bankrupt western economies, financial institutions and the shares within the stock exchange (CIA, drugs and the stock exchange video).
Drugs come into a country via land, sea and air yet the U.K still suffers from increasing heroin, crack, skunk and other derivatives flooding our streets. To resolve an issue you need to locate its source and like cancers you remove the source. What you don't do is attack the fringes because this is obviously a temporary solution. Either we provide tangible economic solutions to this war torn and poverty stricken region or we bring our soldiers home. Destroying the crops is futile for they will reemerge elsewhere due to the vast topograhpy of the country. In this region three things speak louder than political rhetoric, thats clans, arms and money.
Give people jobs and money for real work in redeveloping their country, instead of being stereotyped as a Taliban sympathiser. How do we expect the poor and innocent majority of Afghans to feed their families ? there are no jobs, no social security, no law its the tribes that rule with chieftains and warlords. Most of the innocent civilians live in fear the fear of the drones for they bomb homes.
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