Several months ago i began feeling strange and the symptoms were nothing that resembled flu or any other. They were something completely alien to me as I've never felt the excruciating pain lasting almost a week. Upset stomach in addition with high temperature, abdominal pain and diarrhea were the typical symptoms during my illness. I knew it was swine flu while listening to the radio and people began calling and talking about their symptoms. Fortunately i recovered and prudently avoided the Tamiflu vaccine, as scientists now believe it's detrimental in the longterm with little if any benefits. After this unfortunate episode faded away i began to ponder about pigs flying, swine flu, chemtrails and UFO's.
Population Control
Conspiracy theorist have suggested that methods of population control have been used in the past and at the present. Methods used range from fluoridated water, birth innoculations, junk food, deodorants, dental fillings, weather seeding chemicals, pesticides, genetically modified food, man made viruses etc.
Swine Flu
Engineered viruses is nothing new and many have under suspicious circumstances managed to escape from "secure" laboratories. Some people may recall the recent case of foot and mouth that managed to escape is secure environment and infect farms nearby. Almost triggering the mass culling of cattle in the mid 90's due to mad cow diseases. Could this swine flu a mutation of bird flu and human flu originally concocted within a laboratory ? Even the president of the United States of America Barak Obama suffered from flu symptoms (maybe swine flu) during the London G9 summit. You could tell he was taking medication to combat the symptoms as his eyes and appearance displayed all the hallmarks of someone suffering from the flu. Apparently he had shook hands with someone from Mexico and after several days later he died due to swine flu !
Early May learned professionals at the MET office stated categorically that we can expect a BBQ summer. Even with the latest IBM Supercomputer and all the previous forecast analysis reports they still managed to fail miserably. Should we invest in the native Indians of America and pay the witch doctors for guidance or stop the seeding the skies (weather manipulation) ? I think the latter is more realistic even with the witchdoctor he'd find it difficult to determine forecast due to the excessive seeding program within the U.K. Clear indications of weather seeding is when you fail to notice the transition of the seasons, and when a season fails to act in the way it should.
Our summer was no more than five days of hot weather and the rest was either muggy or overcast showers. Records were broken during the summer as July became the wettest month since records began (1800's ?). Whether the dramatic weather change is due to seeding, global warming, climate change, sun spot activity or the strength of the magnetic field i don't know. It may however be a result of a combination of these factors, Beijing Olympics managed to guarantee no rain during events (this was due to seeding the clouds with chemicals in order to manipulate the weather and relocate potential rain clouds).

Many nations use this seeding technology, for proof look and you should be able to differentiate between a chemtrail and a contrail. Contrails are condensation trails hence the abbreviation, and they last between 30 seconds and a minute (depending on altitude, weather, temperature etc.) once expelled by the plane during high altitudes. Chemtrails appear like contrails initially however they spread with the wind increasing in size, and remain for many hours and even a day (depending on weather, temperature, etc). Results have shown rain water collected during Chemtrail activity have identified dangerous chemicals within the rainwater. Barium was the most common chemical found in rainwater collected during Chemtrail activity. Another point of view is that all these chemtrailing being done is to exacerbate the greenhouse effect because the earth is cooling. In doing so irony is being carried out with the intention of heating the earth because the poles ice is increasing due to the reduction in sun spot activity. This doesn't affect the earth but the entire solar system, as space probes illustrate decreased planetary temperatures. Never believe the media for they are scribes of the elite and as paymasters they control the literature, again the ends justify the means. For more information on chemtrails visit carnicom click here another similar site called bariumblues click here.
As people we are on a need to know basis and the powers that be feel we don't need to know. This might be a depopulation method or governments trying to militarise the skies and eventually space. Who knows, i for one don't. and meanwhile parliament is littered with incompetent politicians reveling in rhetorics of sesquipedalia, oh what a failure.
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