The law is the law however as i've explained in a previous post there are those above and below the eyes of the law. We all wished in some utopia that sentences fit the crimes perpretrated by these criminals, unfortunately we don't so rapist, murderers, pedophiles and racists are released early. Some serve less than a quarter of their sentences due to good behavior or adhering to government schemes.
As for Ronnie Biggs he played a role in a crime in the early 60's during which a person died of his injuries a year or so later. Now he was caught and then escaped prison and ranaway to Brazil, Rio to be precise. Although he mocked the government and enjoyed a period of his life as a celebrity he knew the party will end. Now crippled having difficulty breathing in a prison bed flanked on both sides by prison guards, suffering from severe pneumonia and strokes it's clear he's on his last legs.
Compassion or Punishment
Civilised societies have the authority to bestow punishment and compassion in extreme cases, however. If you were bestowed with the wisdom of King Solomon do you think he'd allow Ronnie Biggs complete his sentence ? or would he have weighed the both good and bad and allowed him to be released on compassionate grounds ? We'll never know however i can't fathom why people feel he should continue to serve his sentence as he robbed money which was being sent for incineration. Meanwhile the bankers are enjoying bonuses and our soldiers are being maimed and killed in bogus wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Don't these imbeciles understand that due to the bankers illegal gambling we all and our children's children will be paying for their incompetence for generations with taxes and more stealth taxes. So before you knob jockies start ranting, raving and foaming at the mouth look at the bonuses being paid to bankers while you eat your Tesco value beans and sausages.
Until the judiciary are allowing judges to give full sentences and the government build more prisons then expect rapists, murderers and pedophiles released early. Don't worry those in affluent areas as these scumbags are always sent to deprived areas. Meanwhile propaganda machines give the gutter press naive egomaniacs to be sacrificed at the TV and Newspaper altar to divert attention from the real issues. If something in the media gets you angry then you should look within and realise its you thats at fault, these illusionist are masters of the dark arts, wake up don't be a sheep.
I feel sorry for Biggs after all that high life it caught up to him in the end. He missed out on the most crucial time of his life the latter years where he could (if he served his sentenced earlier) have enjoyed the support from his wife and son. Now withering away in prison near death not being able to walk, talk or feed himself he must realise that he made a serious mistake and exacerbated the mistake by going awol. For all those religious individuals next time you go to church on Sunday think about turning the other cheek and forgiveness. Who would you prefer in your area Ronnie Biggs, a rapist, a murderer or paedhapiles ?
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