We have at some stage in our lives spent countless hours in front of the console, computer and hand held gaming devices, however does it stimulate the mind or just a waste of time ? Speaking from experience over the decades enjoying their entertainment value there's some surprising advantages and obvious disadvantages. Relative as with many aspects of life it depends on the individual, and some people are staunch supports of gaming while others suggest it has sinister motives. Several documented criminals in our recent past (our current perception) have either stated categorically that the violent computer game was the cause. Others dismissed these claims because the gaming industry were being used as scapegoats. They even hinted that troubled individuals originate from dysfunctional family environments. Blame the parents, blame their genetic makeup, blame the moon and stars but don't blame me. This seems to be the common thread in society today, no one is accountable and no one is responsible for their actions anymore. Our avaricious elected goats sneer and jeer us for we are the hoi polloi, and the duopolistic red and blue mock me and you.
So many genres encompass video games today, if you can imagine it they will produce it. Sophisticated graphics and physics enable developers to create virtual realities literally, the level of depth and realism today was unimaginable several years previous. Technology is the forerunner it enables software engineers to develop tomorrows hardware devices today. In doing so programmers (modern day scribes) are too creating the complex language in exploiting these devices of stimulating vices.
Titles such as the infamous Manhunt and soon to be released Manhunt 2, Grand Theft Auto series and other 18 certified games have stirred debate. The release of these titles over the years with and their continued franchise has made the media froth at the mouth. Approved by the BBFC with its policies and procedures aimed at governing this sector, and yet it too is tarnished with the same brush (the brush of blame and shame). Adult games are clearly for adults however many parents nowadays are oblivious to how graphic video games today can be. There is sexual and violent aspects that are part of many genres within gaming. Unfortunately parents can't hide these games from children as they'll obtain them from friends or directly via the Internet (illegally). Simply visiting their friends where older siblings will allow them to play these games without care, it was ever thus.
No you can't hide little tommy as the Internet, it's pervasive social networking sites and the school playground are environments of opportunity (for those adamant individuals). Sharing memory sticks is simple and how many parents check these devices or have bought them for their children.
Board games in the past such as chess, bacgammon, dominos etc have graced the virtual reality of the computer. Many scientific investigations were conducted in the past regarding the mental effects of playing these traditional games. Could these increase IQ, memory and response time ? most of which is clear they do to a certain degree, as it's relative. People inclined towards a logical frame of mind and enjoys all things mathematical would gravitate within strategic games.
First person shooters (FPS) individuals may display quicker eye movement and thus improve their reception of perception (especially peripheral vision). I'm no medical expert or neuron scientist however some of the results from these studies are obvious. As for aggression this is something that is prevalent with all adolescent boys as we were once like them believing that we're invincible. However it becomes serious when their behavior and attitude changes drastically when alcohol and toxic forms of skunk is introduced. Deluded in illusion their minds in confusion within an dysfunctional environment and time to waste, sitting in the chair without a care, are they really there ?
Moderation is the action of expiation, an hour or so a day is OK but three or more and you'll hear a knock at the door. Gaming can become a habit if you repeat it at regular times they often do, and if you recognise, understand this you'll be in control. Some people seem to play computer games most of the day, could this be the lack of focus within their lives ? Or merely an avenue in which the worthless sense of achievement obtained while completing a game or task is likened to real achievements within the physical world ? Lack of guidance, parental figure, meaningful past times and other social indicators may affect ones focus in life, however more children and young adults are spending too much time on video games. Transgressing from one virtual achievement to another in a modicum of satisfaction as the child goes through games like candy. Now with the insidious MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing gaming, or MMO) people can spend almost a day clicking away their lives in a virtual world on the monitor and forgetting the real world outside their window. Few cases from the far east highlighted the case of individuals having died after playing these MMO's for days at a time !
If the parents can't monitor the amount of time children spend on video games then maybe the manufacturers incorporate built cut off. Unfortunately in many cases in life the draconian legislation is introduced due to the behaviour of the minority which affects the majority. Do something else with your time spend an hour or so gaming and with the others take up other past times, reading, writing, swimming, walking, fixing, drawing and not dreaming and sleeping (unless its evening).
Virtual achievements are given virtual rewards and the opportunities of the day are wasted in a game of play.
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