Barak Obama reassures the public with a thumbs up as he smiles to the camera uttering the words "trust in hope and things will change". After the spiel he's heard telling an aid "they might as well stick their thumbs in their ass" and the masters of the universe laugh out loud. Lets face it all the economist, bankers, regulators, politicians, financial institutions, professors, think tanks and the majority of the financially aware public didn't see this coming ? It's the sub-prime mortgages dummy, i hear you say, i disagree it all smells funny engineered to be precise, i know warning lights are flashing and sirens are wailing "nut job" no hear me out. Over the past decade and even further back regulation of the financial sector was being removed, and the gamblers came in and gambled in a game of high stakes.
Win everything (for the large corporations) and the public lose their homes and become bankrupt, meanwhile the bigger banks eat the smaller ones and become monopolies and get to gamble again. With every man, woman and child in the U.K having to pay £16,700 each this is the national debt, yes its £1.2 trillion here it is with zeros £1,200,000,000,000 one trillion and two hundred billion. The banks were given £200 billion thats £200,000,000,000 and imagine how many schools, hospitals, elderly care homes, nurses, policemen, leisure facilities, community projects etc, we should have had. Money for nothing literally bailed out bankers are carrying on banking (should be another episode in the carry on series) and like the milky bar kid its bonuses are on me and you.
Fat Cat Shat In My Hat
Yes it did a doo doo in mine and yours, by joe it reeks to high heaven. It will continue to stink for generations and the lingering odour penetrating every room in the home and mind. The corporate phallic will plunder our financial, emotional and spiritual wealth. We have this ever increase deficit why blundering bankers ? public services ? war i mean defense ? As a player you will be played by those that use and abuse the rules. We are mean pawns in life and at the whims of the powerful we either play by the rules or become extinguished. In this dimension it is the corporations which is the almighty and benevolent being welcome the life of servitude.
When all the ranting and raving is subdued and the crackling credit crunch a distant memory, the bankers will gamble again. You see whenever the common man can almost grasp the out of reach goal he will unceremoniously fall down in a hole, because its their goal. Stay down in the gutter from whence yee came you cretin, until you prove yourself you will never reach our heights. Goats enjoy the longterm goals and will manipulate and elucidate their vision with fellow schemers of reputable stock. Recognising these traits is key to life for if you know thy self you will know them all.
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