If you've heard of rants from the megalomaniac Alex "Skull & Bones" Jones you'd understand why he's so manic. Simply visit Youtube and type in his name and brace yourself for this is care in the community. Many of his conspiracy theories have some truth within them unfortunately his exterior is a facade, another vain attempt to connect with the (impressionable) youth. His contentious and obdurate approach albeit entertaining (at times) clouds his judgment in every investigation. As the years go by you can see (dated Youtube videos) Alex gradually transforming into the cantankerous individual today.
Bones & Jones
How can Alex Jones the self proclaimed info warrior, be a NWO (new world order) stooge ? Well if you've listened to his message the common thread is this;
- Our civil liberties are being eroded by the global elite cabal.
- These elite will use red flag methods to undermine the genuine and loyal authorities.
- As a result they will introduce a one government, one police force, one army and one ruler.
- Citizens will become slaves of the elite and subject to their mercy.
- We will never relinquish our freedoms and rights underwritten within the constitution.
- Be a real patriot and use force against the tyrannic government.
- Stock pile food, weapons, and take other measures for self determination.
- Patriots to use whatever means necessary and force to reclaim the republic from the elite.
- Buy some of the "fear" products i sell within the website (don't forget the promo code).
- We must fear the government, law enforcement, politicians, doctors, anyone other than me.
- Anarchy is the
- Inculcation of fear is all you HEAR !
Again either this is an attempt to connect with the disillusioned and impressionable youth or just another character flaw. Being unpleasant sometimes is acceptable but being so all the time must result from a mental disorder (inferiority complex) ?
After watching Alex videos you'll feel many psychological and respiratory effects they can seriously damage your health, i feel sorry for his wife and children (anger management course needed).
Many of Alex "Skull & Bones" Jones claque swallow every word without question, their eyes glued to Youtube, and their blood pressure rises with every maniacal minute. Building to a crescendo of rage and confusion in their credulity. These misguided youths run into the streets and cause havoc in peaceful protests as a result the police counteract this force with another. Alex wants the youth to fight for their rights, use force and as the piper plays his flute the mice follow him to their untimely deaths. As the stooge Alex perniciousness works its way into the youth culture and sows the seeds of hate, violence, anger and serves this on a silver plate to the cabal.
An controlled youth are easier to manipulate and in doing so Alex delivers the youth as sacraficial lambs to the slaughter. They provide the NWO the necessary measures to enforce marshal law due to the anarchic youth. Then you have the FEMA camps and meanwhile Alex "Skull & Bones" Jones is rewarded with his crafted work. Why is it that Alex never debates the catholic church ? their involvement in the NWO ? the pedophiles within the catholic church ? the Zionist issue ? Israel apartheid ? Because he's a loyal supporter of the Vatican as a catholic he would.
The youths cry out in pain as their voices once again are lost in vain.
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